Managhair / Alfaparf - Gestión integral de peluquería


Select your clients with more than 30 filters, send SMS, cards or emails. Schedule SMS to say happy birthday, communicate a promotion or confirm an appointment.

SMS Delivery

Send SMS to your clients with promotions, greetings, or appointments reminders. Personalize the SMS sender so they see your salon name, program SMS delivery for a specific date and time, personalize the text content with the clients name.

Managhair Envío de SMS

Visits Control

Visits control is the most powerful toll in Managhair, it has more than 30 filter options with many possible combinations so you may select the type of client to send a promotion.

After you have applied all the filters as needed, send SMS o emails with promotions, you can also print letters or envelopes and export the information to other mail clients as Microsoft Outlook.

Managhair Control de Visitas

Visits Frequency

Managhair Periodicidad de Visitas

Managhair determines your clients visits frequency giving you information about loyal clients, on risk or lost.

The status for every client is shown in the agenda and point of sale terminal, so you can know the status to act properly.

Send SMS directly from this screen to non-loyal clients.

SMS Task

Program your SMS delivery efficiently and no worry about.

Your end of day information, thank your clients for their first visit, be warned about your SMS balance, online appointments confirmation, bundles or loyalty cards short to expire reminders and birthday greetings.

Managhair Control de Visitas
    Managhair Spain
  • Av.Cervantes 51
  • 48970 Basauri
  • Vizcaya
  • +34 944 780 633
  • AAR Software Beauty Solutions, S.L. | Copyright ® 2014 All rights reserved. | Legal notice and privacy policy